This is What You Just Put in Your Mouth?

I am the type of girl that loves to read about all of the gross stuff added to our food these days.  I am also the type of girl who loves to share what she reads and freak others out.  This book isn't overly disgusting, though it has it's moments.  The worst wasn't even something you put in your mouth, but rather that you put on your clothes (Fabric Softener).  Vegans, beware!

I enjoyed how the chemicals were broken down into laymen's terms making it easy for everyone to understand what exactly they were and why they were used.  It's fascinating how many items are used to either counteract a negative component of another chemical or to work in conjunction with it.  

I would recommend This is What You Just Put In Your Mouth to anyone who is interested in learning a little bit more about the chemicals surrounding them.

I recieved this book from Blogging for Books for this review. 


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