Cook Like a Champ

Food52 Genius Recipes is part cookbook, part kitchen helper.  The recipes themselves are nothing to write home about, at least at first glance.  Things like roast chicken, coconut macaroons, and fried eggs are all recipes home cooks have made a million times. So many times, in fact, that I almost never look at a recipe.  Where Food52 differs is in the tips it provides.  Instead of just fying an egg, make a vinegar reduction to enhance the flavor.  Instead of using butter on your grilled cheese, coat it with a layer of mayo to keep it from burning.  These tips have proven themselves to be true, no matter which recipe I tried or what section of the book I was in.  

When Food52 Genius Recipes first arrived, I immediately dropped what I was doing and proceeded to go through the beautiful pages one by one, writing down all of the recipes I was interested in trying. This book is so beautiful and well laid out I couldn't wait to try everything! Out of 100 recipes, I flagged 44.  I haven't made it through all 44 ( some won't be completed for months, like Judy's Bird, a great roast turkey recipe) but I have been happy with all of them that I have made so far.  I love learning in a kitchen, more than plopping open a cookbook and following a recipe verbatim.  I want to learn tips, tricks and substitutions that I can apply to other meals and this book provides you with that knowledge.  I LOVE this book and I'm sure you will too!

Full disclaimer: I received this book for free in exchange for a fair review.  (But honestly I would love this book just as much if I had paid full price for it!)


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