Maybe this says something about my alcohol related experiences of yester year but I don't think I would feel safe lighting a fire under a giant bottle of Jager...but maybe that's just me?
Okay, so I admit, I've been slacking on blogging. But in my defense, Jamieland has been quite boring, what with the snow, no hippie roommate or excess money floating around to buy entertainment. Oooh, that totally sounded like I buy hookers, which I do not. Buy PC entertainment. That won't give me an STD. Or a baby. since the last blog I have had a birthday. I am now 27. Which doesn't sound too bad to most people, but if you ask a 27 year old how that sounds, it sounds less like "twenty-seven" and more like "Danger, Will Robinson, Danger!". A few weeks before my birthday I made the mistake of watching a 1970s science fiction film called "Logan's Run". It was actually entertaining. A bit campy but the majority of films in the 70s had cheese oozing out of every pore, in my opinion. The plot of the movie was simple, and mimicked the book closesly. It takes place in a future time when Earth is so overpopulated that new regulations ...
When I arrived at work this morning, Carrie and Shannon were standing in the fishbowl, Shannon with her hand out, palm up, while Carrie held a ring dangling from a chain above it. I've heard about people using that trick to determine the sex of their baby before, so my first thought was "NOOOOOO! Shannon knows I will kick her smack in the hiney if she gets knocked up this year!" Turns out Carrie had heard at a party last weekend how people did it to determine the gender and number of future kids. Future. As in you don't have to be currently pregnant. As in Shannon is spared...for now. So after determining Shannon's parental future (3 boys, 1 girl), Carrie did it for Aimee (2 boys, 1 girl) and Diane (3 boys, 1 girl). She couldn't do it to me as I'm not married and as they teach on 7th Heaven, no unmarried girl has ever gotten pregnant unless she's a sleazy whore. Later that day I was talking to a friend over IM about the party trick and the conver...
Today was Aimee's last day at work. It was a very sad day, except it's nice to know we'll still see each other outside of work. Most of the office went out to lunch in her honor, and in fact there were so many people we ended up having to split up into 3 different tables. (Guess the concept of RSVP escapes everyone.) After we came back she was saying her goodbyes and was crying so wouldn't let me take a photo for picture of the day so I had to do the next best thing and draw a portrait of her and her unborn baby. I think it works. And maybe after I die my grandkids will be able to sell it for millions. I'm such a good grandma.