Nipples Nipples Everywhere

So here is a conversation from my day....

Me: Did you like that I answered Steve Perry's left nipple to every answer on my myspace quiz?

Linda: Yes, that was so funny! But Steve Perry is mine! (makes faux angry face causing me to giggle and in turn giggling herself)

Me: Yeah but that's why it was funny. You can keep Steve Perry, I just want his left nipple.

Linda: Did you see my myspace response?

Me: No, not yet.

Linda: Oh, I retaliated by taking George Clooney's right nipple.

Me: What???? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!

Linda: Oh yeah, that's how I roll....

Me: You can't take George Clooney's right nipple! I need that!

Linda: Well you took Steve Perry's left nipple!!

Me: Yeah but that was funny, now we are talking about George!!!


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