What's in a Name?

Firing up the blog again has meant having to check in with people.

 This is supposed to be a (mainly) funny, lighthearted foray into the mundane life of a bored, middle-aged Seattlite. (By middle-aged I of course mean 30-something because there is nothing youthful about rock-concert-induced-hearing-loss and "is-this-evening-over-yet?-I-want-to-be-in-bed-by-midnight".)(Or the fact I call people under 25 'kids' and regale them with stories about "when I was your age...")

I don't want to incriminate or embarrass anyone on the blog, less out of empathy and respect and more out of not wanting to get sued for slander or feel responsible for potential divorces, breakups, firings or other malarkey.  I'm a selfish middle-aged person.

In an effort to provide people with anonymity, I offered up the option of picking their own blog aliases.These are some of the names they chose:

* Rex Skelter
*Carlos Danger
*Sir Fluffy Snuggle Stuff
*The Illustrious Lady Round Bottom of Poopenshire, Timbuktu
*The Fapulous Fil
*Russian Lady from Work
*Squirrel McStressalot

I seem to have made a terrible mistake.


Angela said…
I didn't know I was suppose to PICK a name, damn it! Is it too late? haha

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