Recipe Experiment #2- Bread with Corn

As you might have read, this week has been...first-world hard on me.  I decided to forget about wallowing in my really trivial B.S. this weekend and focus on hanging out with friends and having loads of fun.  Unfortunately, my Saturday plans hit a bit of a bump (a real world snafu, not just my week's minor inconveniences) with a friend's major drama so instead I did some very boring adult errands and tried to enjoy the sun as much as I could. I figured since I had to cancel my plans I would take the opportunity to attempt another recipe from my pile. 

Tonight's dinner was provided by  Given the domain name ending in "za", and that the recipe's ingredient list was metric, I'm going to go ahead and assume that it is from South Africa.  I really didn't research the site, I just stumbled upon the recipe on Pinterest (obsessed with Pinterest in a very unhealthy fashion btw) and thought it sounded amazing.

 Bacon and Mielie (corn) Bread
*side note - this is NOT cornbread, made with cornmeal.  This is a recipe for bread with corn in it. Very important distinction.*
**2nd side note - as I am American and we are not taught how to use the metric system, the measurements are in good ole United States customary units.**

1/2 lb bacon, diced
2.5 C flour
2 tsp baking power
1 TBS sugar
1 tsp salt
4 eggs
1/2 C butter, melted
1 C milk
1 can whole kernel corn
1/2 can cream-style corn
1 C cheddar cheese, grated

1. Bake the bacon in a 350 degree F oven until slightly crisp, approximately 12-15 minutes, depending on oven.
2. After the bacon cools, preheat oven to 325 degrees F and grease a standard loaf pan.
3. Sift all dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl.
4. Beat together the eggs, butter and milk, then pour into the dry ingredients.  Mix well.
5. Fold in the corn and bacon, then pour into prepared loaf plan.  Sprinkle the cheese over the loaf and place in oven.
6. Bake 55-65 minutes until the loaf is golden brown and a toothpick inserted comes out clean.
7. Allow to cool for 5 minutes before removing from the pan.

The writer suggested serving it with a fried egg on top for breakfast.  I happen to love breakfast for dinner so used some of the farm fresh eggs my friend gave me, added some fruit and voila! a meal was born! (detour; cleaning chicken poop off of eggs before being able to crack them is TOTES GROSS!)

My rating for this recipe is: B-.  It is good, don't get me wrong.  It's fluffy and very close to cornbread, but just not the real deal.  I think I would make a few alterations if I made it again.  First, I would switch out some flour for cornmeal to give it that texture and flavor it seems to be lacking.  And secondly, I would add jalapenos, cause, let's face it.  Everything is better with jalapenos mixed in!


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