Epic Fail


Do I need to admit defeat in this blog, or do the lack of daily photos and blogs take care of that for me? Awesome.

This is what happens when life gets busy and you find yourself lucky to make it INTO bed before falling asleep. Of course, my bed is about waist high so there have been many moments where I've felt like I was going to fall OUT of bed so it's not all good I suppose.

I am actually super excited for this week. On Friday morning Amanda and I will be driving down to San Francisco for Roadtrip 2.0 (A.K.A. Roadtrip Part Deux). On the agenda?

*Bigfoot Lodge
*Speakeasy (with password!)
*Drag Show
*Talk Like a Pirate Day
*Oregon Vortex
*Wax Museum

Don't worry, I will take a break from my photoslacking and actually post some pictures so the world can share in my tacky/cheesy/kick ass vacation! Woot!


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