Jamie Cullum, Part Deux

We went and saw Jamie Cullum tonight. (2nd time in 2010 yippee!) He was playing at Chateau Ste. Michelle, and let me just say, if you haven't ever been to a concert there, you should absolutely go. It's gorgeous, the acoustics are decent for an outdoor arena and the people watching is to die for.

Plus, if you sit at the top of the hill by the fence, you can spend your evening with a scary-ass peacock trying to kill-by-pecking. You can feed it kettle corn and cups of wine (Only the Chateau Ste. Michelle wine they serve at the winery, there are standards after all (or possibly rules regarding outside booze))but don't let the cops catch you, something about endangering the wildlife, blah blah blah.

I should point out I didn't actually feed the peacock kettle corn OR wine, but there were lots of people hanging out with us along the fence that were drunk enough to find it an amusing way to kill time between acts.

P.S. Jamie Cullum was AWESOME, once again. It was a much more intimate performance and he spent more time talking to the audience. People kept giving him presents on stage, and after singing the line "I didn't even know her name" in one song, a girl in the front yelled out "MY NAME IS ROBIN!!!!" causing him to stop singing and just laugh. Later he changed another lyric to "spending time with Robin" which was pretty funny.

All in all, a great night. 2 thumbs up, etc. etc.


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