Next Stop, Dancing With the Stars!
And now, a dance lesson:
The Robot
The Gangsta Card Shuffle (not to be confused with the Truffle Shuffle)
Pretty, Pretty Princess
The Egyptian
The "I'm-a-big-important-general-of-some-war-and-this-is-me-posing-for-the-statue-they-are-erecting-in-my-honor"
*UPDATE* Shannon informed me that this is The Captain Morgan. Excuuuuuuse me.
The Heisman
The Get Down and Shake That Booty
This dance lesson will be on here until Shannon actually reads my blog and forces me to remove the embarassing ones. She's no fun when she's sober.
*UPDATE* Shannon informed me that this is The Captain Morgan. Excuuuuuuse me.
This dance lesson will be on here until Shannon actually reads my blog and forces me to remove the embarassing ones. She's no fun when she's sober.