I don't really know what to make of this...

The other night I had dinner and went to the movies with my friend Krista. We talked a little bit over dinner about Dancing with the Stars but it was more in passing, trying to figure out who from So You Think You Can Dance had been the professional on Dancing With the Stars...nothing more than a 5 minute conversation, no reason to give it another moment's thought...or was there?

Early the next monrning, while still asleep I had a dream. I dreamt that several people from my office were the "stars" on Dancing with the Stars. For some reason Carrie, Amanda, Linda, Shannon, HyungSuk and Jason (there might have been others, I don't really remember)were all competing away for the grand prize trophy and winnings. Not only were they America's dancing sweethearts but the show was being filmed in Paris of all places.

I flew to Paris with Krista and our friend Cheryl to watch them compete in the finale and to sightsee. Krista and I have both been to Paris, but Cheryl hasn't so we were happy to show her some of our favorite spots and we killed time before the finale. We actually got into an argument over the best way to take pictures of the city, I thought the best thing would be to go to the top of the Eiffel Tower, Cheryl wanted to rent a hot air balloon and fly over the city. After a very heated argument, we agreed to first go to the Eiffel Tower and then go and find somewhere to rent hot air balloons.

While at the top of the tower the news came through that someone had killed one of the dancers on Dancing With The Stars, which was being filmed *magically* at the base of the Eiffel Tower. It was one of my co-workers but I don't remember who it was. They were clearing out the observation deck so we had to go down to the hotel (cause somehow the Eiffel Tower was now not only a tv studio but a 4 star hotel) and grab our stuff and check out quickly. After clearing out our room, we walked into the lobby area and there was a large bookshelf of sorts, the type of mail sorter/cubbie hole shelving that is large enough to house shoebox-sized boxes. As we passed by them, the French police come rushing in and grab one of the boxes out of the cubbie. Through the obnoxious French police sirens and for some reason, frantic, annoying bleats of French police whistles, we hear them say "Sacre-bleu, a small child!" and we as we look through the commotion, spot a small midget child (not just a child, an actual dwarf child) lying in a shoe box, dead. The killer had struck again!

I wish there was a resolution to this dream, but there wasn't. There wasn't actually anything beyond the French midget toddler dead in the shoebox. I woke up, startled and very confused. After taking a moment to compose myself I went out and found Krista reading on the couch, and after telling her the dream, she responded with "you didn't even eat anything weird last night"...I know, right!?!?


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