Scenes From an American Office

beneruler: Oh yeah???? Well MY future's so bright I gotta wear shades!
Linda: hhahahaha
you are funny

Jamie: this i know
Linda: well as long as you know

Jamie: read my status on facebook ("just figured out it is in fact on the other hand, there's a golden VAN")
i'm not even kidding i just figured it out

Linda: what song it that from?
Jamie: on the other hand by randy travis
Linda: its band, you know
Jamie: you know, there's a golden band
Linda: golden band

Sent at 1:42 PM on Friday

Linda: holy crap
its not even 2 yet
what the hell?

Jamie: i know
the world hates us

Linda: the world has turned
and left me here
just where i was
before you appeared

Jamie: well as the world turns, these are the days of our lives

Linda: hahahaha
oh my

Jamie: we must follow the guiding light
i wish i knew more soap operas
but as i've lost it i guess you will just have to send me to general hospital

Linda: hahahahahahaaha

Later, Linda claims to hate stupid people:

Jamie: do you hate all people or just stupid people
Linda: very serious
i hate people collectivly
and stupid people individually

Jamie: oh that makes sense
Linda okay
i seriously want to leave now
i'm going to escape
you with me?

Jamie: do you hate the bold and the beautiful too?
or just the young and the restless?

Linda: guiding light is ending
or has ended

Jamie: really?
Linda: yeah
it has been on for 72 years

Jamie: twitter just kicked me off
it's no longer my friend
Linda: why did it kick you off?

Jamie: too many tweets
online right now
Linda: hahahha
too many tweets

Jamie: bloggers blogging, tweeters twittering...we are a funny sounding society
Linda: we sure are
we sure are

Sent at 3:12 PM on Friday

Jamie: she turned up her nose as she walked by my cadillac
from the corner of my eye i saw you and you laughed
Linda: i ain't first class
but i ain't white trash
i'm wild and a little crazy too

Jamie: you knew it!
Linda: of course i do
golden van

Jamie: hahaha

Sent at 3:50 PM on Friday

Linda: i can't fight this feeling any more
i've forgotten what i started fighting for

Jamie: is REO Speedwagon in the Golden Van with you?
Linda: yes
we are on our way
to port charles
to go to general hospital

Jamie: well if that is your be it
just don't get lost and end up in Dallas
of course I always have friends that live in Melrose Place in Beverly Hills 90210 if you need to stop and rest
oh my
it needs to be 5 now
it says you are offline
which is a lie

Jamie: that is a lie
or is it?


Anonymous said…
I find it slightly funny that you IM convos have been the start of you blogging again. They are humorous.

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