
Showing posts from 2009

Silly Childhood Fears

In just a couple of days the calendar will be changing to 2010, which is even more significant considering its the start to an entirely new decade. No more of the single digit years, millennium babies are hitting the big 1-0 and soon we will be flung face first into the God-awful tweens and teens as the new decade marches on. I graduated from high school in 2000, so my 10-year high school reunion will be taking place this next fall (assuming someone actually gets around to planning it), and that leads me to the memory of a conversation that took place in 1994. At the ripe old age of 12, I was one of the big fish in the Elementary School pool. In class one day, we were assigned to groups of 6 or 8 people and told to get together and work on a presentation. My group was a little less than focused and, for whatever reason, were instead consumed with the thoughts of Y2K, which was 6 years away. We sat and talked for close to hour about how the world was going to end. We all agreed it was c...

I don't really know what to make of this...

The other night I had dinner and went to the movies with my friend Krista. We talked a little bit over dinner about Dancing with the Stars but it was more in passing, trying to figure out who from So You Think You Can Dance had been the professional on Dancing With the Stars...nothing more than a 5 minute conversation, no reason to give it another moment's thought...or was there? Early the next monrning, while still asleep I had a dream. I dreamt that several people from my office were the "stars" on Dancing with the Stars. For some reason Carrie, Amanda, Linda, Shannon, HyungSuk and Jason (there might have been others, I don't really remember)were all competing away for the grand prize trophy and winnings. Not only were they America's dancing sweethearts but the show was being filmed in Paris of all places. I flew to Paris with Krista and our friend Cheryl to watch them compete in the finale and to sightsee. Krista and I have both been to Paris, but Cheryl h...

English to French to English = Brilliant

Sent at 3:09 PM on Wednesday beneruler: i am seriously freeeeeezing Linda: oh no swine flu swine flu you are infected! beneruler: no i think it has more to do with the fact its like negative 32 degrees with a windchill factor of 7 degrees in here Linda: no i don't think so i'm not that cold beneruler: well that's cause you are weird aka canadian Linda: no beneruler: its colder up there so you are acclimated Linda: i don't think so i think you are infected with swine flu beneruler: no i believe it is Linda: swine flu for golden van beneruler: canadian acclimation for mrs. perry Linda: nope not true beneruler: more true than swine flu Linda: Grippe de porcs pour toi fourgon d'or. beneruler: i do not have swine flu! Linda: swine flu golden van beneruler: nein Linda: oui Sent at 3:56 PM on Wednesday beneruler: Je n'ai pas de grippe de Cochon. Vous êtes acclimatés pour apprécier le temps froid où vous pouvez jouer le fait de friser et le hockey. Linda: I do not have ...

Scenes From an American Office

beneruler: Oh yeah???? Well MY future's so bright I gotta wear shades! Linda: hhahahaha you are funny Jamie: this i know Linda: well as long as you know Jamie: read my status on facebook ("just figured out it is in fact on the other hand, there's a golden VAN") i'm not even kidding i just figured it out Linda: what song it that from? Jamie: on the other hand by randy travis Linda: its band, you know Jamie: you know, there's a golden band Linda: golden band Sent at 1:42 PM on Friday Linda: holy crap its not even 2 yet what the hell? Jamie: i know the world hates us Linda: the world has turned and left me here just where i was before you appeared Jamie: well as the world turns, these are the days of our lives Linda: hahahaha oh my Jamie: we must follow the guiding light i wish i knew more soap operas but as i've lost it i guess you will just have to send me to general hospital Linda: hahah...

Pass the Metamuscil

Okay, so I admit, I've been slacking on blogging. But in my defense, Jamieland has been quite boring, what with the snow, no hippie roommate or excess money floating around to buy entertainment. Oooh, that totally sounded like I buy hookers, which I do not. Buy PC entertainment. That won't give me an STD. Or a baby. since the last blog I have had a birthday. I am now 27. Which doesn't sound too bad to most people, but if you ask a 27 year old how that sounds, it sounds less like "twenty-seven" and more like "Danger, Will Robinson, Danger!". A few weeks before my birthday I made the mistake of watching a 1970s science fiction film called "Logan's Run". It was actually entertaining. A bit campy but the majority of films in the 70s had cheese oozing out of every pore, in my opinion. The plot of the movie was simple, and mimicked the book closesly. It takes place in a future time when Earth is so overpopulated that new regulations ...