WTF mate?

What is the deal with Safeway? A couple of months ago I was in a Safeway by my work to cash in some scratch tickets. The woman behind the counter looked at me and said "you do know you have to be 18 to play these, right?" And I was like uhhhhh yeah? And she goes oh okay, I just didn't know how old you had to be in your country." WTF mate? Exactly how old must I have looked and exactly what country did I look like I was from exactly? I wasn't dressed especially ethnic so not really sure what that was about.

So today I gathered up all my strength and went to Safeway to buy some OJ, soup and med (sickness is a bitch) and when I was up there the woman asked to see my ID for the cough medicine. WTF mate? I know I look like shit today but you try being progressively sicker for the last 3 days and see how great you look. You can't tell me I look however young you would have to be to not be allowed to buy med. And it's not like I was buying excessive quantities of medicine either. So I had to show my license to be sick. Sweet.


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