No wonder I'm the funniest person I know

1. Where is your (real) dad right now?touring with the Captain and Tenille

2. Name the last person you hung out with?Brandon and Chiho and the wonderful world of feeders (its the weirdest freakin thing ever)

3. Name a pet you have?The Irish Waiter count?

4. Last person you text messaged?i don't believe in any forms of communication involving the thumbs

5. Any drama in your lifejust the marathon of Murder She Wrote I watched last night

6. What are you listening to?the telly

7. What do you smell like?fragrance

8. What color are your eyes?if you dont know me by now, you will never never know me

9. Have you ever done a Chinese fire drill?no but I've done a Cambodian water line dance

10. Do you even know what that is?that's where you set chinese people on fire and point and laugh as the run around and flail their arms widely shoulting "me no love you long time", right?

11. Do you have a chair in your room?Chuck Norris widdled me one during the last commercial break

12. What are you doing tomorrow?working and then hanging out with some Germans

13. Do you know someone named Betsy?isn't her last name Wetsy? sister in law to Fuzzy Wuzzy?

14. Do you have a dog?only of the hot and corn variety

15. Do you remember singing any songs as a kid?A swiss boy went yodeling on a mountain so high...

16. Are you married?to the mob. shhhhhhh.

17. Do you play an instrument?I play spoons in Linda's all female jug band. I'm the one with the spoons.

18. Do you like fire?I like all the elements, except for Heart. Heart's not an element. Captain Planet lies and he's no longer my hero.

19. Are u allergic to anything?Baby Belluga in the deep blue sea.

20. Do you have a crush on anyone?Freddie, the man of my calendared dreams.

21. Have you ever been to a spa?yes

21. Did you take science all four years of high school?no, i left it right where it belonged, with the geeks.

22. Do you like butterflies?kisses?

23. Do you miss someone right now?Tom Jones

23. Do you think they miss you too?It's not unusual

24. Have you ever seen your school counselor?not romantically

25. Have you ever wanted to be a teacher?hellz no

26. What is one thing you have learned about life?I will never ever ever ever ever understand a man's rationale. And never eat anything you ran over with your car.

27. What is your favorite color?Red

28 Is anyone jealous of you?the whole world cause i've got it in my hands

29 Ever been stuck in an elevator?you would have to be HUGE to get stuck in an elevator

30 What does your mom call you?all of my siblings names before she gets to mine

41. What do your friends call you?well they definately don't call me Shirley.

42. What does your hair look like right now?faux-hawk

43. Has a friend ever used you?only once but i sent Chuck Norris after them and it never happened again

44. Has anyone told you that they like you more than a friend?only cause Chuck Norris and i are tight

45. What have you eaten today?vegemite and crumpets

46. Is your hair naturally curly or straight?straight, cause i'm coo' like that

47. Who was the last person you drove with?Carolin

48. Are you single, taken, crushinn, or broken hearted?past the point of no return


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