
Showing posts from June, 2007

Nipples Nipples Everywhere

So here is a conversation from my day.... Me: Did you like that I answered Steve Perry's left nipple to every answer on my myspace quiz? Linda: Yes, that was so funny! But Steve Perry is mine! (makes faux angry face causing me to giggle and in turn giggling herself) Me: Yeah but that's why it was funny. You can keep Steve Perry, I just want his left nipple. Linda: Did you see my myspace response? Me: No, not yet. Linda: Oh, I retaliated by taking George Clooney's right nipple. Me: What???? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! Linda: Oh yeah, that's how I roll.... Me: You can't take George Clooney's right nipple! I need that! Linda: Well you took Steve Perry's left nipple!! Me: Yeah but that was funny, now we are talking about George!!!

Hail to the Chief, Walker Texas Ranger

So this guy at work and I find Chuck Norris to be hilarious. When I first got my white board my intention was to post important notices about word processing and various office tidbits. You know, don't forget your Purple or Gold sheets, UPS goes out at 3pm, having an allergic reaction to the perfume I'm NOT wearing does not give you the right to pull my hair and question my integrity. Very much just par for the course in the business world, right? Anyways, I I didn't have anything to post the first day I had my board and couldn't handle a white shiny thing staring at me all blank so I posted a list of the Chuck Norris facts. "On April 15th, Chuck Norris sends in a blank tax form and a picture of him, crouched and waiting to attack. He has never had to pay taxes. Ever." Stuff like that. So now it is pretty much expected around the office for me to keep entertaining items on the board at all time. I can't even fathom the whining that w...

Would You Feel Safe?

Maybe this says something about my alcohol related experiences of yester year but I don't think I would feel safe lighting a fire under a giant bottle of Jager...but maybe that's just me?