The Taquito Principle

This week has been rather interesting.

I am unable to stay awake past 8:30 for some reason, mainly I think because it is way too cold to be out in the living room and so I end up watching a movie huddled under the covers in my bed and as my bed can be the most comfortable thing in the entire world somedays I fall asleep. First though I convince myself that I will just listen to the movie with my eyes closed and then I wake up much later that night with the "DVD" thing flashing all around the screen, the movie having been over for hours. On the plus side I have been much more rested than normal and am not having any issues waking up on time, which has been a problem since our dear friend Woody has packed up his pecker and left.

Speaking of peckers packing, Red Truck Guy is no longer. Now we are just stuck with the lesser good looking, committed to some some skanky 18 year old neighbor. Oh how we miss Red Truck Guy...with his Red Truck and overall guyness. Now who will listen to me as I hack up a lung in the middle of the night, or entertain me while I'm writhing on the bathroom floor from tooth pain at 1 in the morning by coming home, yelling at the subpar neighbor and then pushing him and fleeing in his truck that is red? And as the other one is in a "relationship", what will I do without random chicks banging on the door at all hours of the night, begging to be let in? Just know this Red Truck Guy, you will be missed.

I just had my annual review which came out quite spiffy. Got a larger raise than most do in the office (more than just a standard of living increase). Still not buying the house in Tahiti with the cabana boy Rico rich but it will do :) I do just really love my job and my office. The people are hilarious and even on the most boring of days there is never a dull moment. I'm sure I annoy most but it's okay, at least I find myself funny. And really isnt' that all that matters? "Ooooh free candy!" hahaha...

Tuesday at lunch I went and did some grocery shopping and just grabbed one of those 5 packs of taquitos but when I made it back to the office and opened it up, there were only 4 taquitos!!!! So I called the taquito people and complained. Not because I really needed a 5th taquito, actually they were too salty and 4 was plenty but it was really the taquito principle. If I pay for 5 taquitos i should get 5 taquitos, duh. The lady was very nice, took down the information from the box and my information and promised that I would be receiving coupons in the mail. I am sure the price of a missing taquito is something completely lame like 30 cents off but like I said, the taquito principle. She was very funny though because she was like "i'm so sorry that that had to happen to you"...I was like um, yeah, it's a taquito, it's not like you ran over my dog!

The best part of this week has been the fact that with Easter on Sunday I have been enjoying all the Easter Bunny treats all week. Mmmm, Easter candy is the best!!!!

Last night before I went to sleep at my old fogie bedtime I discovered the truth. How dare the government lie to us for all these years about the titanic??? If you would like to know the truth about what happened to the Titanic check out this website: And really, I challenge anyone to argue with that sort of staggering evidence. Even the recreation of the sinking is shocking. Truely.


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