Notes from the week.

A few things I have learned this week...

1. The two words you never want to hear your dentist say while working on you: flame shaper. Yep, you heard that correctly. While sitting innocently in my dentist chair, mouth pried open my dentist asked his assistant to hand him the flame shaper. Of course I cocked my head and stared at him confused, omitting something along the lines of "huh?" but having dental objects shoved in my completely numb mouth it was competely unintelligible. I envisioned the dentist grabbing a propane tank-like item, getting one of those masks and pushing the face protector over his face and the blue flame shot out of the nozzle and he bent over me saying "This might hurt, but only for a moment." My theory is that nothing...ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in my mouth should need shaping by flame. Glass is shaped by flame., not so much. In actuality there were no special masks, no propane tanks...I never actually saw the elusive flame shaper but whatever it was, it didn't hurt and my teeth look better than ever, woo hoo!

2. Apparently noone likes the name Falula. Don't know what that is all about but never name your illegitimate daughter that.

3. People who drink Diet Coke in front of me are evil.

4. Thriller is a song everyone loves and yet very few people know the dance. We must change this. We must rise above the challenge and teach the world to dance!!!!


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