
Showing posts from March, 2014

The Curious Case of the Missing Cupcake

Breaking news! Cupcake has been kidnapped! Duh-duh-duuuuuuuuuuuuuuh! The mystery for Cupcake intensified at lunch when a follow up note was delivered to Squirrel McStressalot's desk. Squirrel was very concerned about the welfare of her missing compadre so enlisted some help (aka me) to throw an impromptu bake sale to help raise the cash for the ransom. I present to you: Cupcakes for Cupcake. The cupcakes were actually quite delicious, if not a little too sweet, and the bake sale helped raise the funds necessary for her dog's safe return thanks to everyone's printers and knowledge of how to Google images of money. Someone even donated legal tender! That's support, right there. Unfortunately, another note was waiting for Squirrel at 4pm.... this time with a menacing ball of fluff! (Although I voted that it looked more like a bunny tail than doggy innards.) Finally, 5 o'clock arrived.  Time to make the exchange.  Squirrel hea...

Wanderlust - Turkish Delight (Part Two)

I feel I need to start this post with an apology to all my fellow Contiki Bootytangers.  I wasn't a very good tourmate.  I avoided hanging out with them and was way more quiet than I am in my normal life.  This had absolutely nothing to do with being shy (shy doesn't register in my personality).  It all had to do with being stuck on tour with one of the most vile human beings I've ever met.  I won't go into all the details but will give two examples. 1. She referred to our tour guide, Ahmet, as Mohammad the entire time (disrespectful and racist, all in one fell swoop!) 2. The day after an altercation she passed the time by putting stickers in my hair and throwing things at me, like a mother effin' child. I did meet some great people on tour and had fun with them, and actually once we boarded the cruise ship headed towards Greece I was SO much happier, simply because I wasn't stuck on a bus anymore with someone I spent the entire trip wishing would fa...

Wanderlust - Turkish Delight (Part One)

I have suffered from a severe case of wanderlust my entire life.  Even before I knew what it was, I knew I wanted to travel the world and see everything, meet everyone and experience everything. The world was much too big to get boxed into my small hometown. After getting home from visiting my friend Carolin in Germany a couple of years ago I realized that although I had traveled quite a bit, I had limited myself to countries that were not so different from the US.  I knew right then and there that I needed to plan a trip to an area of the world completely variant to the rainy streets of Seattle.  I chose Turkey because Istanbul was a place I had always wanted to visit.  I love history and the Animaniacs' version of "Istanbul (not Constantinople)" has always been one of my favorite animated skits. I found a great tour of Turkey and the Greek Islands and immediately booked it. My awesome calendar. I spent several days in Istanbul before meeting...

What's in a Name?

Firing up the blog again has meant having to check in with people.  This is supposed to be a (mainly) funny, lighthearted foray into the mundane life of a bored, middle-aged Seattlite. (By middle-aged I of course mean 30-something because there is nothing youthful about rock-concert-induced-hearing-loss and "is-this-evening-over-yet?-I-want-to-be-in-bed-by-midnight".)(Or the fact I call people under 25 'kids' and regale them with stories about "when I was your age...") I don't want to incriminate or embarrass anyone on the blog, less out of empathy and respect and more out of not wanting to get sued for slander or feel responsible for potential divorces, breakups, firings or other malarkey.  I'm a selfish middle-aged person. In an effort to provide people with anonymity, I offered up the option of picking their own blog aliases.These are some of the names they chose: * Rex Skelter *Carlos Danger *Sir Fluffy Snuggle Stuff *The Il...