The Curious Case of the Missing Cupcake

Breaking news! Cupcake has been kidnapped! Duh-duh-duuuuuuuuuuuuuuh! The mystery for Cupcake intensified at lunch when a follow up note was delivered to Squirrel McStressalot's desk. Squirrel was very concerned about the welfare of her missing compadre so enlisted some help (aka me) to throw an impromptu bake sale to help raise the cash for the ransom. I present to you: Cupcakes for Cupcake. The cupcakes were actually quite delicious, if not a little too sweet, and the bake sale helped raise the funds necessary for her dog's safe return thanks to everyone's printers and knowledge of how to Google images of money. Someone even donated legal tender! That's support, right there. Unfortunately, another note was waiting for Squirrel at 4pm.... this time with a menacing ball of fluff! (Although I voted that it looked more like a bunny tail than doggy innards.) Finally, 5 o'clock arrived. Time to make the exchange. Squirrel hea...