
Showing posts from 2012

Why, hello there...

I would like you all to meet the newest addition to my celebrity husbands list. Oh no! He appears to have fallen.  I will have to help him up. Me-ow!

Recipe Experiment #3: Easy Peach Cobbler

I LOVE PEACHES! There, I said it, my secret is out!  I would list fresh peaches as one of my top 5 favorite things about summer, maybe even in the top 3.  I will eat peaches anywhere, anytime and anyway they are prepared.  Grilled peaches with marscapone cheese? I'm there!  Juicy, fresh peaches? Hand them over!  Peach cobbler? Heck.  Yeah. Luckily for me, my mother makes, hands down, the world's best peach cobbler. It is so good, in fact, that I have flat out refused to ever attempt my own cobbler making, instead opting to call her up and whine, beg and plead until she agrees to make me cobbler the next time I visit.  Why bother with an unnecessary skill when I've got the master on speed-dial? Unluckily for me today, there was a slight mishap in the transportation of my requested peaches from Eastern Washington and the peaches became damaged.  And by "damaged" I mean "horrible bruised and totes gross". Apparently my friend put...

Recipe Experiment #2- Bread with Corn

As you might have read, this week has been...first-world hard on me.  I decided to forget about wallowing in my really trivial B.S. this weekend and focus on hanging out with friends and having loads of fun.  Unfortunately, my Saturday plans hit a bit of a bump (a real world snafu, not just my week's minor inconveniences) with a friend's major drama so instead I did some very boring adult errands and tried to enjoy the sun as much as I could.  I figured since I had to cancel my plans I would take the opportunity to attempt another recipe from my pile.  Tonight's dinner was provided by .  Given the domain name ending in "za", and that the recipe's ingredient list was metric, I'm going to go ahead and assume that it is from South Africa.  I really didn't research the site, I just stumbled upon the recipe on Pinterest (obsessed with Pinterest in a very unhealthy fashion btw) and thought it sounded amazing.   Bacon and M...

It's funny cause it's true!


Loss and Nipples - What a Week!

Pardon my French, but this week has sucked like a cheerleader on prom night.  This week has been an epic failure on a colossal level; one so big only a trip to DSW and a German Chocolate cupcake can turn it around.  I know, I know, those are ridiculous pick-me-ups but, in all honesty, this week has been terrible in only the most first-world-problems of ways.  But I still can't wait for it to be over! I have suffered three (3!) losses this week.  I guess the ambiguous league of people who say stuff that is repeated as fact were correct, it really does come in threes.   First, I lost my favorite Sounder. Roger Levesque has been my go-to Sounder for several years now.  He has been with the team for 9 seasons and made the transition from USL to MLS with his mustache in tact.         He has always been a fan favorite for his awesome facial hair, pleasant demeanor and underdog position on the team.  Critics have always q...

Are you calling me chicken??

One of my best friends and I have a running joke going about how we can be completely different people who are exactly the same.  For as much as we agree and are similar in our very stubborn, power-driven, old-fashioned personalities, we are just as different when it comes to the day-to-day items of decorating, spending money and most of all, in the kitchen.  She is my go-to girl for questions regarding anything to do with desserts or baking.  Half the time I don't have any clue what she is talking about when she is discussing varieties of salt and cooking utensils and macarons.  (For the record, I spent 6 months thinking she was obsessed with macaroons, the yummy coconut cookie which is still one of my favorite (and she thinks is just an average cookie).  She was, and is, actually obsessed with macarons , the tiny French cookie, which I find to be just so-so.  Again - we are totes different.) Our style in the kitchen actually says a lot about our person...