I LOVE PEACHES! There, I said it, my secret is out! I would list fresh peaches as one of my top 5 favorite things about summer, maybe even in the top 3. I will eat peaches anywhere, anytime and anyway they are prepared. Grilled peaches with marscapone cheese? I'm there! Juicy, fresh peaches? Hand them over! Peach cobbler? Heck. Yeah. Luckily for me, my mother makes, hands down, the world's best peach cobbler. It is so good, in fact, that I have flat out refused to ever attempt my own cobbler making, instead opting to call her up and whine, beg and plead until she agrees to make me cobbler the next time I visit. Why bother with an unnecessary skill when I've got the master on speed-dial? Unluckily for me today, there was a slight mishap in the transportation of my requested peaches from Eastern Washington and the peaches became damaged. And by "damaged" I mean "horrible bruised and totes gross". Apparently my friend put...