
Showing posts from May, 2009

English to French to English = Brilliant

Sent at 3:09 PM on Wednesday beneruler: i am seriously freeeeeezing Linda: oh no swine flu swine flu you are infected! beneruler: no i think it has more to do with the fact its like negative 32 degrees with a windchill factor of 7 degrees in here Linda: no i don't think so i'm not that cold beneruler: well that's cause you are weird aka canadian Linda: no beneruler: its colder up there so you are acclimated Linda: i don't think so i think you are infected with swine flu beneruler: no i believe it is Linda: swine flu for golden van beneruler: canadian acclimation for mrs. perry Linda: nope not true beneruler: more true than swine flu Linda: Grippe de porcs pour toi fourgon d'or. beneruler: i do not have swine flu! Linda: swine flu golden van beneruler: nein Linda: oui Sent at 3:56 PM on Wednesday beneruler: Je n'ai pas de grippe de Cochon. Vous êtes acclimatés pour apprécier le temps froid où vous pouvez jouer le fait de friser et le hockey. Linda: I do not have ...

Scenes From an American Office

beneruler: Oh yeah???? Well MY future's so bright I gotta wear shades! Linda: hhahahaha you are funny Jamie: this i know Linda: well as long as you know Jamie: read my status on facebook ("just figured out it is in fact on the other hand, there's a golden VAN") i'm not even kidding i just figured it out Linda: what song it that from? Jamie: on the other hand by randy travis Linda: its band, you know Jamie: you know, there's a golden band Linda: golden band Sent at 1:42 PM on Friday Linda: holy crap its not even 2 yet what the hell? Jamie: i know the world hates us Linda: the world has turned and left me here just where i was before you appeared Jamie: well as the world turns, these are the days of our lives Linda: hahahaha oh my Jamie: we must follow the guiding light i wish i knew more soap operas but as i've lost it i guess you will just have to send me to general hospital Linda: hahah...