
Showing posts from August, 2008

Get Your Wine and G's Here!

I love it when people put up signs advertising their "G Sale". So what? Homies, pimps and mac daddies are still full price? But nothing beats an aisle with about 8 shopping carts FILLED with wine labeled Disco Items. Ah yes, if you are going to the disco, don't forget the merlot. It dulls the sheer pain of disco music. I love the nightlife, I like to boogie on the disco rooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuund...


So this is how my morning has gone so far: Amanda: Did you hear they found Bigfoot? Me: No. (crosses arms and raises eyebrows) Where did they find him? In the trunk along with Jesus on the way back from Mexico? Amanda: Ha. Ha. No, it's for real, it's all over the news. Me: Oh the Weekly World News? Right alongside a story about Batboy? Amanda: No! Look for yourself, it's all over. (Pulls up Google and looks at CNN. Nothing. MSNBC. Nothing. MSN Homepage. Nothing.) Well fine, I'll send you the link. This started the IM portion of the conversation as I read this "article": Jamie sounds like a crazy advertising scheme amandafaith02 NO its real they have DNA Jamie for like a new mall or nascar stadium amandafaith02 and a BODY Jamie that noone can see amandafaith02 and PHOTOS Jamie i will believe it when i see it amandafaith02 until tomorrow because they want to hold a press conferenc...