OOOOOOh George's on Roseanne, sweeeeeet : The "Had To" section1. If you HAD to get a tattoo, where would you want it?:shoulder blade area2. If you HAD to dye your hair which color would you choose?:the color of Chuck's from the Chuck Norris comic book3. If you HAD to get a piercing (THAT ISN'T YOUR EARS) what would you um...if I HAD to i guess belly button as really piercings are tacky and I wouldn't get them anywhere but the ears anyways4. If you HAD to change your name, what new name would you choose?:Fiona McArrrrrrrrrrrghThe "Would You?" section1. If you could go bungee jumping, would you?:I would bungee jump into the arms of Mr. Chuck Norris2. Would you move somewhere else, if you could?:I would flollow George anywhere (especially our villa in Italy)3. If you were given the chance to go to Paris, would you go?:been there, done that, got the t-shirt, watched the homeless man possibly die and the hooker used my hotel room4. If you found 10 million...