Really, what is a bite on the bottocks among friends?
Saturday night and I'm home doing laundry and watching a bootlegged copy of pathetic is this? But more importantly how did I end up here? Three words really...poor money management. I wonder how old I will have to be in order to get that whole check book balancing thing people talk about? Oh well, its not so bad, everyone who was going to go out to Todd's birthday party, Todd included, is in the same boat and hanging out at their respective homes. So I guess this works for me. We've rescheduled his party for next Friday which is payday so there will be much rejoicing with liquor and the like. Woo hoo! Work this week was very exciting. We got a new binding machine on Monday. It's seriously the coolest thing ever! I had to go around and show everyone, noone outside of the admin group was very thrilled about it. They just don't get how awesome this thing really is. To go from 10 sheets at a time to a 1/4 inch of paper is the coolest thing and such a t...