Stupid is as Stupid Does

I consider myself to be a pretty intelligent individual, however, sometimes I'm pretty sure I might just be the dumbest person alive. It is those little moments that make me question how I don't drool on myself more that probably make me laugh the hardest. Recently I was listening to Pandora when a song by Flo Rida came on. I instant messaged a friend of mine and said "I like Flo Rida." It was in that moment, typing the name FLO RIDA that I put it together. "Holy shit, is Flo Rida from Florida!?!" I exclaimed. I am an idiot. Sure enough, there it is on all of his album covers...the state of Florida acting as the letter F in his name. I guess I am so used to Pitbull (you know, Mr. Worldwide) announcing he's from Miami, Dade County, Florida in EVERY. SINGLE. SONG. that I became too oblivious to realize when someone quite literally has the state as their name!! I had another musical moment of stupidity in December while singing th...