
Showing posts from February, 2014

Stupid is as Stupid Does

I consider myself to be a pretty intelligent individual, however, sometimes I'm pretty sure I might just be the dumbest person alive.  It is those little moments that make me question how I don't drool on myself more that probably make me laugh the hardest.  Recently I was listening to Pandora when a song by Flo Rida came on.  I instant messaged a friend of mine and said "I like Flo Rida."  It was in that moment, typing the name FLO RIDA that I put it together.   "Holy shit, is Flo Rida from Florida!?!" I exclaimed.  I am an idiot. Sure enough, there it is on all of his album covers...the state of Florida acting as the letter F in his name.  I guess I am so used to Pitbull (you know, Mr. Worldwide) announcing he's from Miami, Dade County, Florida in EVERY. SINGLE. SONG. that I became too oblivious to realize when someone quite literally has the state as their name!! I had another musical moment of stupidity in December while singing th...

I'm baaaaaaack!

Wow, I can't believe I haven't blogged anything in a year and a half! Time flies when you are having fun. The last year plus has been good.  It has seen its ups and downs, its good and bad, its Optimus Primes and Megatrons.  If I had to rate it, I would settle with a B.  Maybe a B-.  I have done some incredible things since my last post, including: - Traveled to Turkey and Greece. (Post with photos coming soon!) - Continued to support the Sounders in their mediocre glory. - Watched the Seahawks smash it in the Superbowl. - Saw dozens of free, advanced screenings of movies. - Bought a new mattress (trust me, this is HUGE). - Saw my parents celebrate their 50th anniversary. - Met some incredible people. - Rocked out at some amazing concerts. - Won the lotto! (Okay, not really, but a girl can dream, can't she?) Holiday Breakfast at Serious Biscuit Hippity-Hop Races at Emerald Downs for Charity USA vs. Panama Birthday Celebration! Earli...