Commies, Prostitution and Stalkers
Start at the beginning, go to the end, then stop. This is how life flows, however my life has flown into a very crazy and slightly frightening turn. Why? you may ask. Well I will tell you why, as I am nice and wouldn't just leave you hanging. I am being stalked by Huey Lewis and the News. I'm not kidding. About two weeks ago my ipod, Kung Pao Chang (so named because I adopted him from China where he was "assembled" by tiny kids over 17 hours in an Apple orphanage, and Kung Pao Chicken is my favorite Chinese food) decided to play the entire Huey Lewis and the News (hereafter referred to as HLN) Greatest Hits Cd over the course of an afternoon and random intervals. Then I went home and flipped on the telly only to have HLN come blaring out at me from some show. Some driving in the car, listening to the radio as I cowered from Kung Pao in fear of HLN, only to have not one but TWO (2) HLN songs play on different stations!!!!! This has gone on over the last two weeks. I li...